Easiest Way to Make Tasty Tape coklat lumer
Tape coklat lumer.
You can have Tape coklat lumer using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Tape coklat lumer
- It's 250 gr of tape singkong (dipotong sesuai selera).
- Prepare 250 gr of meses seres.
- You need 250 gr of keju (di parut).
- It's 3 bks of Susu Kental Manis (rasa coklat).
- Prepare 20 lembar of kulit lumpia.
- It's of Minyak goreng secukupnya (untuk menggoreng).
- It's 1 butir of telur (ambil putihnya).
Tape coklat lumer step by step
- Siapkan semua bahan bahan..
- Bentangkan kulit, susun tape diatas kulit..
- Taburi meses 3sdt + keju 2sdt + dan SKM secukupnya di atas tape..
- Lipat sesuai selera, jangan lupa di olesi putih telur di ujung lipatan, agar tidak mudah terbuka saat di goreng..
- Goreng sampai warna kulit agak kecoklatan..
- Tape coklat siap di santap..
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