Recipe: Appetizing Puding coklat Vla susu nutrijel

Puding coklat Vla susu nutrijel.

Puding coklat Vla susu nutrijel You can cook Puding coklat Vla susu nutrijel using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Puding coklat Vla susu nutrijel

  1. Prepare 2 of Sc nutrijel coklat.
  2. Prepare 4 Sdm of coklat bubuk chocolatos.
  3. Prepare 14 Sdm of Skm putih indomilk.
  4. You need 10 Sdm of gula pasir (sesuai selera).
  5. You need of Bahan Vla.
  6. You need 3 Sdm Munjung of Tepung Maizena.
  7. It's 500 ml of UHT Ultra milk putih.
  8. You need of Serbuk Vla instan merk nutrijel my Vla.
  9. It's 200 ml of air putih.

Puding coklat Vla susu nutrijel step by step

  1. Masak semua bahan hingga mendidih. Setelah itu taruh dalam wadah.
  2. Masak UHT, lalu ambil sedikit susu hangat untuk mengencerkan maizena.
  3. Tuang bubuk vla, masukan air putih, lalu tuang maizena yg telah di encerkan tadi.
  4. Aduk hingga mendidih matikan, setelah vla agak dingin, tuang di atas puding yg sudah didinginkan.
  5. Beri toping sesuai selera :).


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