How to Prepare Tasty Coklat Ganache

Coklat Ganache.

Coklat Ganache You can have Coklat Ganache using 3 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Coklat Ganache

  1. It's 250 gr of DCC.
  2. You need 125 ml of susu UHT/ fresh cream.
  3. Prepare 1 sdm of butter.

Coklat Ganache instructions

  1. Potong² coklat. Sisihkan..
  2. Rebus susu UHT, sampai panas. Masukkan DCC. Masak dg api kecil hingga DCC larut..
  3. Masukkan butter. Aduk rata. Masak hingga butter larut. Matikan api..
  4. Coklat Ganache siap digunakan sbg topping desserbox atau roti. Sebaiknya disiramkan, jangan dioleskan..


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