Recipe: Perfect Nutrijel fla coklat

Nutrijel fla coklat.

Nutrijel fla coklat You can cook Nutrijel fla coklat using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nutrijel fla coklat

  1. Prepare 2 sachet of nutrijel rasa jambu biji (400ml).
  2. You need 3/4 gelas of gula pasir.
  3. Prepare of Bahan fla:.
  4. Prepare 1 sdm of tepung kanji.
  5. It's 1/2 gelas of skm (dilarutkan dg 200ml air).
  6. Prepare 5 sdm of gula pasir.
  7. It's 1 butir of kuning telur.
  8. It's Sedikit of vanili dan air.

Nutrijel fla coklat instructions

  1. Masak nutrijel dan gula sesuai petunjuk di kemasan. Tuang dalam gelas, dinginkan..
  2. Campur semua bahan fla, masak di api sedang sampai meletup. Jika sudah dingin tuangkan diatas jelly tadi, lalu tambahkan skm diatasnya lagi. Masukan kulkas, sajikan🍮.


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