Recipe: Tasty Nutrijell Silky Jelly Triple Choco

Nutrijell Silky Jelly Triple Choco.

Nutrijell Silky Jelly Triple Choco You can have Nutrijell Silky Jelly Triple Choco using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Nutrijell Silky Jelly Triple Choco

  1. It's 30 gr of Nutrijell jelly powder chocolate sachet.
  2. You need 700 ml of air.
  3. Prepare 700 ml of susu uht chocolate.
  4. You need 4 sdt of cocoa powder.
  5. It's 300 gr of Kental manis chocolate pouch (kurleb 1/2 pouch).
  6. You need sedikit of Garam.
  7. It's secukupnya of Gula.

Nutrijell Silky Jelly Triple Choco step by step

  1. Campur nutrijell, susu uht, air, cocoa powder, kental manis sambil di aduk pakai whisk/hand blend/blender (kalau di aduk pake selain itu nutrijell tidak akan tercampur halus)..
  2. Setelah bahan-bahan di blend & tercampur rata, panaskan dengan api sedang sambil terus di aduk, masukkan garam & gula secukupnya sesuai selera. Matikan api bila sudah mendidih..
  3. Setelah mendidih, langsung tuangkan ke tempat cetakan, tunggu agak dingin baru masukkan kulkas. Tunggu beberapa jam bisa lgsg dinikmati..


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