Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Oreo cake and chocale ganache

Oreo cake and chocale ganache.

Oreo cake and chocale ganache You can have Oreo cake and chocale ganache using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Oreo cake and chocale ganache

  1. It's 4 bks of Oreo (1bks berat 133gr).
  2. You need 400 ml of Susu uht.
  3. It's of Bahan chocolate ganache.
  4. It's 100 of dcc.
  5. You need 50 ml of Susu uht.

Oreo cake and chocale ganache step by step

  1. Pisahkan Oreo dengan krimnya. Hancurkan oreo. Blender Oreo dan susu.
  2. Tuangkan ke loyang. Kukus (saya ngukusnya di rice cooker bareng dgn masak nasi).
  3. Membuat chocolate ganache: 1)Tim bahan chocolate ganache. 2) chocolate ganache siap diaplikasikan.
  4. Oreo cake and chocolate ganache siap.


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